Relationship Issues

Change your relationship with yourself and your relationship with the world. Have the connections you have always wanted. 

“We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens IN us.” —Joseph Fort Newton


Whether you are experiencing issues with a partner, a child, a friend, a colleague ,or if it feels like you experience issues with everyone over and over again relationship issues come from the same place. Relationships cause us pain when we  find ourselves playing out the same cycles over and over again. We take on a role in our lives when we interact with other people and most of us don’t know how to drop that role, acting it out even as it slowly pulls us away from the people we love. But, just like changing a job, you can learn to change your interactions with others. Through therapy you can understanding your role in your relationships and learning how to drop what does not work and pick up what does.

Issues with a Partner
Difficult Make Friends
Attachment Issues
Difficulties Feeling Connected to Others


Grief refers to your reactions to any form of loss, which can range from a deep sadness to anger, guilt, yearning, regret and a sense of relief.

Grief is the uncontrollable and natural reaction to the death of someone to whom you feel strongly about. Your relationship may have felt like one based on love and respect, or it could have left less secure and more  conflicted. Either way, when you feel connected to someone, you will experience grief after their death.


     Even though grieving is a natural process that includes a variety of coping styles, responses and timelines for healing, approximately 10% of the population suffers from grief experiences that seem to last on and on. These symptoms, that sometimes last years following the loss, include intense yearning and longing for what or who you lost; preoccupation with the circumstances of the loss; intrusive thoughts and images; intense guilt; an overriding sense of disbelief; and, a painful inability to find life meaningful in any significant manner. Through therapy you can learn to love again and return to a more meaningful investment in life in spite of the loss.


When you are feeling intense grief it is important to prioritize your own care. This can be difficult in life but it is the first step to getting you to a place of healing.  Get plenty of sleep, healthy food, moderate exercise, and other kinds of self care.

Go easy on your self. It is natural to be hard on yourself when you are grieving, but just think of what you are going through, and how you would treat a friend in the same situation. What can you do to show yourself love and caring during this difficult time.

Try to surround yourself with supportive friends and family. Choose the people who you interact and share with wisely. Not everyone will make the cut, and you may need to limit time around people that are not supportive. If you have a hard time finding the right people or need more supportive people attending a grief support group can be helpful.

Honor your grief. Some people try to stay busy, but the only way out is through. Try to find a balance between turning into your grief, and taking a break from it. But, more then anything, be kind to yourself.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Take the Steps Towards Change Today

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Phone: (720) 514 -9925




Questions are the root of all answers.
Don’t Be Shy!